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fiscal incentives中文是什么意思

用"fiscal incentives"造句"fiscal incentives"怎么读"fiscal incentives" in a sentence


  • 财政鼓励


  • What are the fiscal incentives granted for bot projects
  • Projects costing p1 billion and above , upon registration with boi , shall be entitled to full fiscal incentives under the omnibus incentives code
  • The resolution aimed to introduce a concessionary duty rate for ultra low sulphur diesel ulds as a fiscal incentive to encourage the use of this environmentally cleaner fuel
  • The resolution aimed to introduce a concessionary duty rate for ultra low sulphur diesel ( ulds ) as a fiscal incentive to encourage the use of this environmentally cleaner fuel
  • Hc agreed to set up a subcommittee to scrutinize the resolution under section 4 ( 2 ) of the dutiable commodities ordinance which aimed to introduce a concessionary duty rate on ultra low sulphur diesel ( ulsd ) as a fiscal incentive to encourage the use of ulsd
    内务委员会同意成立小组委员会,以审议根据《应课税品条例》第4 ( 2 )条动议的决议案。该决议案旨在为超低硫含量柴油( "超低硫柴油" )订立优惠税率,作为鼓励驾驶人士使用的财政诱因。
  • Whether by influencing prices ( through taxation or fiscal incentives ) or setting absolute quantities ( via tradable permits ) , they improve price signals , allow industry greater flexibility in meeting objectives , and give firms a longer - term incentive to pursue technological innovations that further reduce adverse impacts on the environment
    无论是通过影响价格(通过税收或财政激励)还是设定绝对数量(通过可交易许可证) ,均可改善价格信号,允许工业界以更大的灵活性去实现这些目标,给与公司长期激励机制追求技术革新,减少对环境的负面影响。
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